Peramalan Banyak Pengunjung Pantai Pandasimo Bantul Menggunakan Regresi Runtun Waktu dan Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Exogenous

Tito Tatag Prakoso, Etik Zukhronah, Hasih Pratiwi


Forecasting is a ways to predict what will happen in the future based on the data in the past. Data on the number of visitors in Pandansimo beach are time series data. The pattern of the number of visitors in Pandansimo beach is influenced by holidays, so it looks like having a seasonal pattern. The majority of Indonesian citizens are Muslim who celebrate Eid Al-Fitr in every year. The determination of Eid Al-Fitr does not follow the Gregorian calendar, but based on the Lunar calendar. The variation of the calendar is about the determination of Eid Al-Fitr which usually changed in the Gregorian calendar, because in the Gregorian calendar, Eid Al-Fitr day will advance one month in every three years. Data that contain seasonal and calendar variations can be analyzed using time series regression and Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Exogenous  (SARIMAX) models. The aims of this study are to obtain a better model between time series regression and SARIMAX and to forecast the number of Pandansimo beach visitors using a better model. The result of this study indicates that the time series regression model is a better model. The forecasting from January to December 2018 in succession are 13255, 6674, 8643, 7639, 13255, 8713, 22635, 13255, 13255, 9590, 8549, 13255 visitors.

Keywords: time series regression, seasonal, calendar variations, SARIMAX, forecasting

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