Analisis Situasi Pembangunan Manusia di Jawa Tengah

Laeli Sugiyono


This study aims to analyze the disclosure distribution of the position regency/city in Central Java based on the linkage of Economic Growth (EG) and Human Development Index (HDI). The study uses secondary data in the form of cross-sectional regional regency/city based on EG and HDI components. Data analysis uses regency/city distribution plot diagram based on EG and HDI components in the Cartesian diagram which divides the space into 4 Quadrants, namely: Quadrant I of the regency/city distribution plots with high EG and HDI, Quadrant II of the regency/city distribution plots with low EG and high HDI, Quadrant III of the regency/city distribution plots with high EG and low HDI, and Quadrant IV of the regency/city distribution plots with low EG and HDI. This study concludes that the position of cities in Central Java in general is in line with the Quadrant I group, the HDI of regency/city in the area of the ex-Semarang and ex-Surakarta residency is in Quadrant I. Other regencies/cities are spread in Quadrant II, III, and IV.

Keywords : human development index, economic growth, Central Java, distribution plot


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