Analisis Faktor Indeks Harga Konsumen Kota Semarang

Novia Nafisah, Respatiwulan Respatiwulan


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) can describe consumption patterns in the community. The CPI is also used to calculate inflation rates that reflect a country's economic conditions. The CPI for sub-expenditure consists of 7 groups divided into 35 sub-groups. Factor analysis on CPI was conducted to reduce variables, to identify underlying factors, and to classify variables in the Semarang City CPI expenditure group from January 2014 to August 2017. As the result, there is only one underlying factor, namely the primary needs of urban communities with cumulative variance value of 88.509%, eigenvalues of 23.012 consisting of 27 subgroup variables.

Keywords : Consumer Price Index (CPI), factor analysis, eigen value

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