Klasifikasi Jenis Pencabutan Layanan oleh Pelanggan Indihome Menggunakan Metode Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection

Siti Khodijatunnuriyah, Hasih Pratiwi


Market segmentation is a classic topic in marketing which is never loss its attractiveness. In addition to market segmentation, customer satisfaction is important in the field of marketing. Customer satisfaction is a person's feelings after using goods or services produced by a company. High customer satisfaction shows a company's success in producing goods or services. Statistics provides many tools for segmentation research. One of statistical tool for segmentation research which takes the dependency method as an approach is Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) analysis. CHAID analysis would provide decision tree like diagram which provide information about degree of association from dependent variable to the independent variables and the information about segments characteristic. In this case, the CHAID analysis is used to determine the type of service revocation segmentation by Indihome customers. Based on CHAID analysis, 25 segmentations were obtained, which consisted of revocation of the downgrade category of 45314 customers and the number of revocation of the Churn Out category by 11137 customers.

Keywords : market segmentation, customer satisfaction, CHAID, Indihome

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