Peramalan Tingkat Penghunian Tempat Tidur Hotel Bintang Tiga Kota Surakarta Menggunakan Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)

Shindy Dwi Pratiwi


Surakarta is a cultural city that is now starting to attract domestic and foreign tourists. This makes many tourists visit the city of Surakarta so that it affects the occupancy rate of hotels in Surakarta. The occupancy rate of hotels in Surakarta has fluctuations from each year. The uncertainty of hotel occupancy rates in Surakarta will certainly affect investors to choose policies in the hotel industry so that hotel occupancy rates in Surakarta City need to be estimated for the next year. In this study, the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method was used to forecast hotel occupancy rates in Surakarta from January to May 2018. By using the best model IMA (1.1), it was concluded that the occupancy rate of three-star Surakarta hotels increased every the month.

Keywords : occupancy rate of hotel, forecasting, ARIMA.

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