An Analysis of Politeness Strategy in Teacher-Students EFL Classroom Interaction

Meli Unaina, Suparno Suparno, Teguh Sarosa


This study aims 1) to analyze the types of politeness strategies used by teacher in EFL classroom interaction, and 2) to analyze the linguistic forms of teacher’s polite utterances in the EFL classroom interaction. The research used a qualitative method that collect the data through observations, video-taping, and interview. The findings show that the teacher employed various types of politeness strategies during the lessons. Out of 30 utterances, the utterances covered Positive Politeness (5), Bald on Record (14), Negative Politeness (2), and Off Record (9). Bald on record strategy has the highest frequency used by the teacher in the classroom interaction. Besides that, one type of linguistic forms in the utterances not only used for one type of politeness strategy, it also can be used in the two or three types of politeness strategy. The classification of linguistic forms in the utterances are (1) Declarative, (2) Interrogative, (3) Imperative, and 4) Exclamatory. The implementation of politeness strategy becomes a way of character building. For the teacher, it can be used as the way of giving examples for their students of how to speak politely.


politeness; politeness strategy; classroom interaction; EFL classroom; linguistic form

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