Andrania Yusti Maharani


This article discusses how the situational pictures help the young
learners to increase their reading speed in order to improve the reading
comprehension. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two
cycles. The data were collected through observation, field notes, interview,
documents and tests of speed reading and reading comprehension (pre-test and
post-test). The qualitative data were analysed through data reduction, data
display and conclusion drawing and verification. The quantitative data were
analysed through descriptive statistic, finding the mean score of the tests. The
learners were able to achieve improvement from pretest to posttest. The learners’
reading speed had increased from 58 to 168 words per minute and the mean of
learners’ scores at reading comprehension tests had improved from 36.92
(pretest) to 86.15 (posttest). The improvement has been found in the classroom
situation as well. Learners boosted their motivation and willingness so they used
their time productively to read the texts.

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