Sita Putri Wardhani, Ngadiso Ngadiso, Endang Setyaningsih


This research aims at finding the correlation between (1) habit in watching cartoon films and reading skill; (2) lexical meaning mastery and reading skill; and (3) habit in watching cartoon films, lexical meaning mastery simultaneously and reading skill. The study was carried out in August 2013 at SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. The population of the study is all of the eleventh grade students in that school. This research involves 35 students taken randomly as the sample. Data are collected through questionnaire which is used to collect the data of habit in watching cartoon films and objective test which is used to collect the data of lexical meaning mastery and reading skill. The techniques used to analyze the data are Simple and Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation. The result of analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between (1) habit in watching cartoon films and reading skill; (2) lexical meaning mastery and reading skill; and

(3) habit in watching cartoon films, lexical meaning mastery simultaneously and reading skill. It means that habit in watching cartoon films and lexical meaning mastery cannot be neglected to improve reading skill.


habit in watching cartoon films; lexical meaning mastery; reading skill

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