Relationship Between Interest in Listening English Songs, Vocabulary Mastery Toward Listening Skill

Dimas Aditya Dwi Atmaja, Ngadiso Ngadiso, Endang Setyaningsih


Despite of numerous researches on listening, vocabulary, and interest, there are few researches that relate the three variables in one study. This research aims at finding the correlation between interest in listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery and listening skill. The study involves 29 students of a state school in Banyudono. They were selected as the sample by using cluster random sampling. The data on students’ interest in listening to English songs are collected by using questionnaire and data on students’ vocabulary mastery and listening skill are collected by using test. The techniques used to analyze the data are Simple and Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation. The results indicate that: (1) interest in listening to English songs contributes to listening skill; (2) similar interaction is found between vocabulary mastery and listening skill; and (3) interest in listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery simultaneously contribute to students’ listening skill.


interest in listening to English songs; vocabulary mastery; listening skill

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