A Content Analysis on The English Textbook “The Bridge English Competence 2” Used by The Eighth Year of Junior High School

Yuliarti Inggit Utami, A. Handoko Pudjobroto, Dewi Sri Wahyuni


This research aims to investigate whether or not the language skills materials in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are compatible with indicators in language skills of School based Curriculum and investigate whether or not the exercises in “The Bridge English Competence 2” textbook are communicative. The writer used a descriptive method. In collecting the data, she used document as data source. The data were analyzed by these steps: (1) Finding out the kinds of skill and communicative exercise available on the textbook, (2) Classifying them, (3) Analyzing them, (4) Counting and adding them, (5) Giving percentage from the total number, (6) Judging whether or not the data are appropriate with the indicators in School-based Curriculum or not, and (7) Drawing conclusion and proposing suggestions. The result of the analysis shows that the percentage of the appropriateness of the skills developed in the textbook “The Bridge English Competence 2” is 56.57% (listening: 57.60%; speaking: 60%; reading: 37.50%; writing: 87.50%). It means that the textbook is compatible with the School-based Curriculum in developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The textbook is a good textbook to support the complete material in English teaching-learning process for the students of junior high schools. Meanwhile, the percentage in developing the communicative exercises is 62.5%, meaning that it is good.


content analysis; English textbook “the bridge english competence”

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