The Correlation Between Reading Interest, Grammatical Competence and Reading Comprehension

Alfi Nur Azizah, Gunarso Susilohadi, Hefy Sulistyawati


This article is aimed at discussing and reporting the result of a study about correlation between reading interest, grammatical competence and reading comprehension. The correlation was proven by the result of the study which was carried out in November 2013 at SMA Negeri in Cilacap. The sample of the study were 32 students of XI IPA 5 taken by cluster random sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect reading interest data and objective tests were used to collect grammatical competence data and reading comprehension data. Single correlation and multiple linear regression were used to analyze the data. The result analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between (1) reading interest and reading comprehension; (2) grammatical competence and reading comprehension; (3) reading interest, grammatical competence simultaneously, and reading comprehension. Thus, it cannot be neglected that reading interest and grammatical competence give contribution toward reading comprehension.


reading interest, grammatical competence; reading comprehension

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