“Passport to The World 1” Based on Communicative Language Teaching Principle

Ayu Putri Prihatiningsih, Joko Nurkamto, Teguh Sarosa


The purposes underlying this study are (1) to describe an English textbook entitled “Passport to the World 1” in general; (2) to analyze the quality of the English textbook in developing communicative tasks and types of communicative materials. This research used a descriptive method. The data source of this research is the textbook for seventh grade of Junior High School, published in 2009 by PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri. In collecting data, this study takes four of ten units in the textbook randomly. The study uses theory of Cunningsworth (1995) to analyze the textbook in general and Communicative Language Teaching principles to analyze the tasks and material of the textbook. The result of the study shows that (1) the description of the textbook in general is fairly good (62.5 %); (2) the quality of communicative tasks is good (68.7%), and the quality of types of material in CLT is very good (75.03%). The textbook has all criteria of communicative tasks and materials, but each unit of the the textbook is still not complete. It means that the textbook is appropriate to be used and it  will be better if the teacher also completes each unit which is not appropriate communicative criteria by using other sources in order to develop students’ communicative competence.


textbook; communicative task; communicative material

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