Improving Students’ Ability to Read Narrative Text Using Video Through SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review) Method

Panji Alen Syahputra, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Muh. Asrori


This article discusses: (1) to what extent the use of videos and SQ3R method improves the students’ ability in reading narrative text; and (2) to describe the class climate when videos and SQ3R method are implemented in the reading class. The qualitative data were obtained by observation, interview, and questionnaire. And they were analyzed through: get to know the data, focus the analysis, categorize information, identify patterns, connection within and between categories, and interpretation. While the quantitative data were obtained by using test and analyzed by using formulas. The research result shows that (1) the use of video through SQ3R method improves the students’ reading skill; and

(2) the use of video through SQ3R method leads the class climate of reading class better  than the situation prior to the research implementation. They become more active, confident, and enthusiastic.



Survey; Question; Read; Recite; Review (SQ3R); students’ reading skill

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