The Implementation of Vocabulary Teaching at SDN Cemara Dua Surakarta

Ni Made Dita Ningrum, Joko Nurkamto, Ngadiso Ngadiso


This article describes the implementation of vocabulary teaching at SDN in Surakarta The objectives of this research are (1) to describe the implementation of vocabulary teaching at the first grade, (2) to find out the problems of vocabulary teaching at the first grade, and (3) to find out the solutions of vocabulary teaching. The method used in this research was descriptive method. The data were collected through observation, interview and document analysis. The data were analyzed using interactive model of analysis including reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusion. The result of the research shows that (1) the implementation of vocabulary teaching consists of four dimensions. They are background, aims, kind and process of teaching vocabulary, (2) in teaching vocabulary, there are problems faced by the teacher and the students, and (3) there are the solutions for the problems.


vocabulary; teaching vocabulary

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