A Content – Form Analysis of English Final Test Items for The Second Semester of The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri

Wahyu Arta S, Abdul Asib, Dewi Sri Wahyuni


The objective of this study is to identify the quality of the test items used as a final test in the second semester for the eleventh grade students in SMA N in Magetan. This research used descriptive method. In collecting the data the writer used document (English final test items, syllabus, and students‟ answer sheets) as data sources. The data were analyzed by using the formula given by Ahmann and Glock. The results of this study shows that 57.5% of the total items have a good level in discriminating index, 45% of the items have fulfilled satisfactory criteria in difficulty level, 11 items had possessed the effective distracter, while the item‟s indicator 92.5 % of the items are compatible with the learning indicator mentioned in the syllabus, and in the construction aspect, 75% of the total items possess a good stem and 82.5% of the total items are able to fulfill all the aspects of good alternatives. In short, the items used as final test have good quality in constructing aspects, and its compatibility with the syllabus. However, some items are less effective viewed from its level of difficulty and the effectiveness of the disctracter aspect.


Item analysis; level of difficulty; discriminating index

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