The Correlation Between Studeerest And Structure nts’ Learning IntMastery and Students’ Reading Skill

Septian Tri Wijayanti Fatimah, Muh. Asrori, Ngadiso Ngadiso


The objective of this research is to find out whether there is a correlation between (1) students‟ learning interest and students‟ reading skill; (2) students‟ structure mastery and students‟ reading skill; and (3) students‟ learning interest, students‟ structure mastery simultaneously, and students‟ reading skill. This correlational study involved 36 students at one of state senior high school in Sukoharjo. The technique of choosing the sample was cluster random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaire and test. Single and Multiple Regresssion and Correlation were used to analyze the data. The result of the data analysis shows that: (1) there is a positive correlation between students‟ learning interest and students‟ reading skill; (2) there is a positive correlation between students‟ structure mastery and students‟ reading skill; and (3) there is a positive correlation between students‟ learning interest, students‟ structure mastery simultaneously, and students‟ reading skill. It means that students‟ learning interest and students‟ structure mastery cannot be neglected in teaching reading skill.


correlation, learning interest, structure mastery, reading skill

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