Using Audio – Visual Aids to Improve The Students’ Reading Skill

Dwi Surya Atmaja


This article is written in order to (1) know whether the use of Audio Visual aids can improve the students’ reading skill; and (2) know the strengths and weaknesses in using Audio Visual Aids in improving the students’ reading skill. The research finding shows that the use of video as Audio Visual media combined with SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review) can enhance the students’ reading skill and the class situation in teaching and learning activity. The improvement of students’ comprehension includes: (1) Students are able to determine the main idea; (2) Students are able to identify the implicit and explicit information; (3) Students are able to determine the meaning of word; 4) Students are able to determine the purpose of the text; (5) Students are able to determine the reference of pronouns. The improvement of the students’ attitudes are: (1) The students enjoyed and interested in the class situation; (2) The students become active learners; (3) The students were not noisy during teaching learning activity;

(4) The students paid attention to the teacher.


Audio-Visual; SQ3R; Reading

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