Item Analysis of Preparation Test for English National Examination

Madiana Laela, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Martono Martono


This research aims to reveal the quality of English national examination preparation test in terms of qualitative and quantitative aspects. Qualitative aspect includes content validity, technical item quality and cognitive domain learning outcome while quantitative aspect include reliability, difficulty level, item discrimination, and distractor effectiveness. Sample was taken from 3 out of 10 schools in Pati district using simple random sampling. This research employs both qualitative and quantitative analysis in which expert judgement is used to analyze content validity and technical item quality while ITEMAN is used for quantitative analysis. The result showed that the test has good content validity, 99.06% items appropriate with competence being measured, good technical item quality and most items (81.13%)are categorized as cognitive domain learning outcome C2 (Understand). Moreover, the test has high reliability index (> 0.8), fair difficulty, and good discrimination. However, 35.85% items have ineffective distractors.


item analysis; English national examination preparation test

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