An Item Analysis of English Summative Test for The First Semester of The Third Grade Junior High School Students in Surakarta

Septi Ika Pradanti, Martono Martono, Teguh Sarosa


The aims of this research are:(1) to find out whether the multiple-choice items of English summative test for the third grade junior high school students in Surakarta have fulfilled the criteria of good test or not; and (2)To describe whether the multiple-choice items of English summative test for the third grade junior high school students in Surakarta have fulfilled the criteria of good test item viewed from difficulty level, discrimination power, and distractor evaluation or not. The data were taken from 100 students‟ answer sheets in five schools in Surakarta. The test item was analyzed by using item analysis technique seen from the score and the language content analysis. The analysis was considered by using three aspects i.e. index of discriminating power, level of difficulty and the distractor evaluation. The research finding shows that (1) the difficulty level shows 13% for very difficult item, 22% for very easy item, and 64% for satisfactory item; (2) only 35% of all test items have appropriate index of discriminating power; and (3) only 49% of the distractors are effective since they were selected by the students. Based on the three criteria of a good test item above, there are only 46% of multiple choice items fulfilling the criteria of a good test items.


Item Analysis; Summative Test; Multiple Choice Item

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