The Implementation of Authentic Assessment in English Language Teaching

Indriyana Saputri, Joko Nurkamto, Dewi Sri Wahyuni


This research aims to describe (1) teachers’ perceptions toward authentic assessment; (2) the implementation of authentic assessment; and (3) the effects of authentic assessment to the quality of English Language Teaching (ELT). The research method used in this study is qualitative research method, case study. The data were collected through in-depth interview with the teachers and the students, passive classroom observation, and document analysis toward syllabus, lesson plan, scoring rubric. The data were analyzed by using case study data analysis proposed by Yin (2002) consisting of examining, categorizing, tabulating, testing. The next step used in analysing the data was pattern matching. The findings of the research are: (1)teachers’ perception toward authentic assessment is assessment which can assess the students’ knowledge, skill, and attitude during the teaching and learning process; (2) the implementation of authentic assessment in English language teaching conducted in one of state senior high school in Surakarta includes types of authentic assessment, the steps of developing authentic assessment, documents used in implementing authentic assessment, teachers and students’ roles, teachers obstacles in implementing authentic assessment; (3) the implementation of authentic assessment affects to the quality of English language teaching. It can improve students’ motivation, interest, self-confidence, activeness, enthusiasm in learning English. The implementation of authentic assessment can also improve the students’ English ability and learning result.


authentic assessment; English language teaching

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