The Use of Authentic Materials on Teaching Reading and Its Effects on Students’ Reading Motivation

Vinda Ryandani, Joko Nurkamto, Teguh Sarosa


The goals of this research are to describe the use of authentic materials on teaching reading, the problems and the solutions in using authentic materials, and its effects on students reading motivation. This research was case study research. The sources of data were event, informant, and document. The techniques of data collection were observation, interview, and document. The results of the research are in determining the materials; the teacher considers criteria such as the topic and the difficult level of the text. The problems of the  use of authentic materials are related to time constrain and the students’ lack of vocabulary mastery, proper use of authentic materials gives positive effects on students reading motivation. The student have positive task orientation, ego involvement, need for achievement, high aspiration, goal-orientation, perseverance and tolerance of ambiguity.


authentic materials;teaching reading;reading motivation

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