Widya Setyaningsih, Sujoko Sujoko, Teguh Sarosa


This study aims finding out whether there is a correlation between (1) students’ reading habit and translation ability; (2) students’ vocabulary mastery and translation ability; and (3) students’ reading habit and vocabulary mastery toward translation ability. The study is conducted from May to June 2013 at English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, and the population is all of sixth semester students. The sample is 34 students taken by cluster random sampling technique. The method used in this study is descriptive research method, with category of correlational study. The instruments in collecting the data are questionnaire and test. The techniques which are used to analyze the data are Simple Correlation and Multiple Regression Correlation. The result of the data analysis shows that in the level of significance a = 0.05 (1) there is a positive correlation between students’ reading habit and translation ability (r-./ = 0.448 > rt  = 0.339) and it is about 20.07%; (2) there is a positive correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and translation ability (r-0/ = 0.467 > rt = 0.339) and it is about 21.81%; and (3) there is positive correlation between students’ reading habit, vocabulary mastery, and translation ability (R/.0 = 0.24 and Fo = 6.26 > Ft = 3.32) and it is about 28.76%.


reading habit, vocabulary mastery, translation ability


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