Duwi Sulistiyowati, Joko Nurkamto, Dewi Sri Wahyuni


This reseacrh describes: (1) the implementation of Multiple
Intelligences (MI) in English language teaching (ELT (2) the benefits and the
challenges of implementing MI. This is descriptive qualitative research with
purposive sampling which data are collected through observation, interview, and
document analysis and analyzed through interactive model. The result shows that: (1) the implementation of MI in ELT requires: (a) MI-based lesson plan, (b)
activities involving apperception and strategy; (c) teacher’s role as facilitator,
input provider, monitor of learning, need analyst, motivator, organizer, controller,
language demonstrator, material developer, and counsellor; (d) the students’ roles as participant, active learner, intelligence user, and responder; (e) instructional and authentic materials; (f) the evaluation covering achievement and process of learning; (2) the benefits of implementing MI are creating fun and effective teaching, promotting students’ participation, and facilitating student’s intelligences, while the challenges of implementing MI are managing classroom dynamic and treating the student with special needs.


multiple intelligences, English language teaching and learning

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