Innovation Characteristics and Adoption Opportunity of Bujangseta Technology for Tangerine Farming

Lizia Zamzami, Agus Sugiyatno, Harwanto Harwanto


Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICSFRI) has generated a technology of Bujangseta (bearing fruits throughout the year) to increase citrus plant productivity and to support the sustainable availability of citrus fruits in the market. This study aims to identify the characteristics of Bujangseta technological innovation that might influence the adoption of the technology by farmers. The study was conducted in Banyuwangi Regency in November 2019 by using a census method to all 16 cooperator farmers of Bujangseta technology. This present study applied a descriptive analysis method based on the scoring and category of technological innovation characteristics. The results showed that the innovation characteristics of Bujangseta technology were: 1) it was very profitable since tangerine farming with the application of Bujangseta technology generated higher income than that without the application, 2) it was greatly appropriate with the local conditions as all production supplies were locally available, 3) it was easy to be applied because farmers did not suffer any complication to employ Bujangseta practice, 4) it was easily observed since the results of Bujangseta implementation were easy to be observed visually by farmers and 5) it was easily trial-tested as the method of Bujangseta was easy to try and apply. Therefore, this new technology had a very high adoption opportunity rate, showing that the technology had a great chance of being adopted by farmers.


citrus farm; dissemination; horticulture; tangerine; technology adoption

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