Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa

Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa (JIP Candrajiwa) is a scientific publication media published by the Faculty of Psychology Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.

JIP Candrajiwa accept articles in various fields of psychology, especially with topic related to indigenous psychology, counseling and psychotherapy, development psychology, social psychology, and industry psychology.

JIP Candrajiwa published since 2012 through https://candrajiwa.psikologi.fk.uns.ac.id/. Starting from 2021, JIP Candrajiwa published articles through https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/candrajiwa in twice a year (June and December).



JIP Information


J.I.P. Candrajiwa was first published in March 2012 through the ojs page https://candrajiwa.psikologi.fk.uns.ac.id. At first, articles were published quarterly (one year 4 times published). Then in 2016 it experienced a vacuum and became active again in 2021 through our new ojs page https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/candrajiwa with a 6 monthly publication frequency (one year 2 times publication), namely in June and December.

Posted: 2022-06-21
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Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa

Table of Contents


Hafidz Royyan, Farida Hidayati, Rini Setyowati
1 - 11
Tarisa Eka Salshabella
12 - 17
Farah Fauziyah, Munawir Yusuf
18 - 27
Muhammad Krisnadiva Soehardiman, Berliana Widi Scarvanovi, Laelatus Syifa Sari Agustina
28 - 43
Ayu Larasati, Selly Astriana
44 - 56
Lukita Adilati Ramdhany, Moh Abdul Hakim
57 - 74