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Author Guidelines

Instructions for prospective authors of Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa
  1. Form: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa is the result of research in the field of psychology. The manuscript can be in Indonesian form, typed with MS Word Cambria font size 11, spacing 1.5, page size A4, and length 10-25 pages including bibliography (3000-8000 words).
  2. Structure: The structure of the article should include title, author name without title, institution, author email, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
  3. Title: The title is written concisely, straightforwardly, creatively, and interestingly describes the content of the article. The location of the study is presented in the methods section, not in the title. The title is written using Cambria font size 14, space 1, center. Maximum 14 words in Indonesian and English.
  4. Name of author and institution: full name without degree, institution where author works/studies, and author's email address. The author's name is placed below the title of the article.
  5. Abstract: abstract must be written in two languages: English and Indonesian, maximum 200 words with Cambria font size 11, space 1, and justify. English abstracts are written in italics. The abstract should be clear, descriptive, and should provide a brief overview of the problem under study, containing information: reasons for selection or importance of the research topic, research methods, summary of results, and conclusions. Keywords: must consist of 3-5 words, can be taken from research variables, characteristics of the research subject and / or theory that is referenced.
  6. Introduction: Contains a description of the underlying problem, objectives, benefits of the research, theoretical review and hypothesis (the total number of pages should not exceed 20% of the entire manuscript page). Inside it contains; (a) recent scientific developments of the variables studied; (b) research gaps; (c) researchers' arguments in meeting gaps as their commitment to contribute to the development of science; and (d) research objectivity. The introduction is written using Cambria font size 11, spacing 1.5, and justify.
  7. Methods: This section describes the variables of the study, the subject of research which includes the number, and relevant specific characteristics e.g. age, origin of the research subject. In addition, also describe the measurement instruments and describe the measuring instruments used in research. Explain the validity and reliability of the instruments used (quantitative research), and describe the method of data collection accompanied by questions and observation guides (qualitative research). In addition, it can be explained the analysis of the research data used. The length of the writing in this section is approximately 20% of the total manuscript. The research method was written using Cambria font size 11, space 1.5, and justify
  8. Results: This section includes research findings with a writing length of approximately 20% of the total article. In qualitative research, the results section contains detailed and complete data with subtopics of subtopics or categories of data, as well as citations of original data quotes from subjects that support research findings. In quantitative research, the results section contains the results of statistical data analysis and explanation. Tables, schematics or charts, figures and graphs can be used to assist in the presentation of research findings and should be described in the presentation. The writing of the results refers to the format of the publication manual of the American Psychology Association (APA) seventh edition. The results are written using Cambria font size 11, space 1.5, and justify
  9. Discussion: Explanation of research results such as whether the findings / results of the study answer the purpose of the study, how it can occur and be associated with the results of previous research. The explanations are critically analyzed and linked to the relevant literature (last 10 years). This comparison should highlight differences with previous research findings that have the potential to contribute to the development of science. The length of the writing in this section is approximately 30-40% of the entire writing. The discussion is written using Cambria font size 11, space 1.5, and justify
  10. Conclusion: The conclusion should answer the purpose of the study, not summarize the research findings. Conclusions should be brief, clear, and concise, based on findings and discussion (maximum 1 page), written in paragraph form (not numeric), contain a synthesis of findings from data analysis and discussion, and highlight new findings that contribute to the development of psychology as a science. The conclusion is written using Cambria font size 11, space 1.5, and justify/align right-left.
  11. Implication: Implications are written briefly, clearly, and concisely, in paragraph form (not numeric). Implications of the study can be suggestions for future research, policy advice (e.g., suggestions for future research, policy advice, etc.). Implications are written using Cambria font size 11, spacing 1.5, and justify.
  12. Acknowledgments: Thank you is only written when there is grant support from certain agencies. Acknowledgments can be given to anyone who has contributed to the research (e.g., funding organization, research assistant). The name of the funder organization can be written in full. In addition, the author may also list individuals who have helped during the study. Acknowledgments are written using Cambria font size 11, space 1.5, and justify
  13. Bibliography: The bibliography contains all references cited in the article and derived from relevant sources, at least 80% are recent sources (last 10 years), and at least 80% are indexed national and international research journals. The writing of the bibliography refers to the format of the seventh edition of the American Psychology Association (APA) publication manual. Reference articles that have a DOI, the DOI link must be included in the reference writing (written lowercase, doi: ..). If it does not have a DOI, then it comes with an online link after the phrase Retrieved from There is no categorization or separation of reference sources (for example: internet or mass media sources are separated from primary sources). The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order. Authors are strongly advised to use reference programs such as Zotero, Mendeley and EndNote. The Bibliography is written using Cambria font size 11, space 1, and justify/align right-left.


Reporting Standards

Authors must present accurate reports and data from the research. The research article should contain detailed information and sufficient references. Deliberate deception of the content of a manuscript is unethical and unacceptable behavior.

Originality and Similarity

Authors must ensure the originality of their work and provide clear information/sources when using citations. Authors are not allowed to publish their research paper in more than one journal because submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable behavior.

Cover Letter

Nama Penulis:

Tempat Tanggal Lahir Penulis:

Institusi Penulis:

Alamat Penulis:

Email Penulis:

Nomor HP Penulis:

Yang Terhormat Editor Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa

Saya/Kami telah mengirimkan naskah asli dengan judul “tulis judul naskah di sini”, naskah ini belum pernah diterbitkan di tempat lain, juga tidak sedang dipertimbangkan untuk diterbitkan di tempat lain.

Saya bersedia mempublikasikan naskah ilmiah ini serta bersedia mengikuti rangkaian proses review sebelum naskah dipublikasikan.

Dalam artikel ini, saya membahas …(jelaskan gambaran penelitian yang Anda lakukan)

Saya/Kami menyatakan naskah ini terbebas dari konflik kepentingan.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Hormat Kami


Nama Penulis

Statement of Originality

Yang bertanda tangan di bawaha ini:




No. HP


Judul manuskrip: 

Menyatakan bahwa:

  1. Manuskrip yang saya serahkan ke editor Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa belum pernah dipublikasikan dan tidak dalam proses publikasi di tempat lain.

  2. Manuskrip yang saya serahkan ke editor Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa tidak mengandung plagiarisme.

  3. Semua sumber yang dirujuk dalam manuskrip telah ditinjau dan dimasukkan dalam daftar referensi.

Jika dikemudian hari naskah saya terbukti tidak memenuhi ketentuan di atas, saya bersedia menerima konsekuensi sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku.

Kota, tanggal, bulan, tahun

Hormat saya,


* setelah mengisi penulis harus menyimpan dalam format PDF untuk disertakan dalam pengiriman naskah

Reference Checking

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others should always be included. Authors should cite publications that have been used to inform the creation of their scientific work.

Determination of the Order of Authorship

The names listed as authors of the manuscript are limited to those who have significantly contributed to the formulation of the basic idea, research design, conduct of the research or interpretation of the research findings. Otherwise, all names that contributed to the process should be included as authors of the manuscript. If others participated in some substantive aspect of the research, they may be mentioned in the acknowledgments. Corresponding authors must ensure that all persons who contributed to the research are listed as authors, that all authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript, and that they consent to publication of the manuscript.

Disclosure and potential conflicts of interest

All authors must explicitly state in the manuscript if they have any relationships with other parties that could potentially expose them to conflicts of interest, which could potentially affect the way they present and interpret the research data. All sponsors, whether individuals or institutions, who funded the research must be mentioned in the manuscript.

Fatal errors in published manuscripts

If authors discover errors or inaccuracies in a published manuscript, they are expected to notify the journal editor or publisher and work with the editorial board to retract or correct the manuscript.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.