Haikal Elbaitsa Arkaan, Tri Yunianto, Dadan Adi Kurniawan


The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the development of rail transportation in the city of Surakarta in 1864-1942. (2) the influence of the development of rail transportation on the ecology of Surakarta City in 1864-1942.The method used in this research is the historical method. The steps taken in using this method include heuristics, source criticism, data interpretation, and historiography. Sources of data used are primary and secondary sources. Data collection techniques using library research techniques. The data analysis technique uses external and internal criticism. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded: (1) Rail transportation in its construction has developed very rapidly in the city of Surakarta. The initial idea for developing rail transportation was initiated by the private airline company Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatscahppij (NISM). The construction of rail transportation which began in 1864 was able to replace the Bengawan Solo river route. With the development of rail transportation, many foreign investors are increasingly interested in investing in the plantation industry on the island of Java. Seeing the benefits obtained by private airlines, the government also established the State Spoorwegen Matchappij (SS). The construction of railway lines in Surakarta City was carried out in stages until in the 1900s it was able to reach all areas in Surakarta. (2) The development of rail transportation is very influential on the ecology of the city of Surakarta. The existence of transportation facilities increases the mobility of the population from villages to cities. The high mobility of the population affects the economic, socio-cultural, public health and infrastructure aspects of the city. The construction of infrastructure facilities is carried out to facilitate the people of the city of Surakarta. This changed the shape of Surakarta City into a more modern city.


Rail Transportation, City Ecology, Surakarta.

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