Rustina Rosinta Sipangkar, Leo Agung Sutimin, Hieronymus Purwanta


The purpose of this study consists of two things, namely (1) To find out the results of masculinity analysis in the narrative of Indonesian history during the national movement in the history textbook for class XI SMA KTSP; and (2) To find out the results of masculinity analysis in the narrative of Indonesian history during the national movement in the history textbook for class XI SMA K-13.
This study used a qualitative approach with content analysis. The data sources of this research include (1) History book for Class XI SMA/MA Social Studies Program by Dwi Ari Listiyani; (2) Indonesian history books for Class XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 and Semester 2 by Sardiman AM, and Amurwani Dwi Lestariningsih; and (3) Other literature studies relevan to the problem formulation. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling. Data collection in this study, namely recording documents or content analysis. The validity test technique used consist of (1) Triangulation (data triangulation, reseacher triangulation, and method triangulation); (2) Resource person review; and (3) Developing member checks.
The results of this study indicate the forms of masculinity based on Rawyen Connell’s theory, namely hegemonic masculinity, subordinate masculinity, complicit masculinity, and marginal masculinity. Based on the research results, it is known that masculinity in history textbooks for class XI SMA KTSP and K-13 most prominently presents hegemonic masculinity. The difference in the results of the research is found in the difference in the writing descriptions of national figures in Indonesian history movement period in history textbooks for class XI SMA KTSP and K-13. The discussion of this research explains the driving factors of masculinity in the narrative of indonesia’s history in the national movement period in history textbooks for class XI SMA KTSP and K-13 and the impact of masculinity in the narrative of indonesia’s history in the national movement period in history textbooks for class XI SMA KTSP and K-13 on students.


Maculinity, Rawyen Connell’s Theory, History Textbook, National Movement Period, KTSP and K-13.

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