Kajian Nilai-Nilai Perjuangan Sultan Agung sebagai Penguatan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Di SMA

Siti Rhohana, Musa Pelu, Tri Yunianto


This research aims to; describe the struggle carried out by Sultan Agung against the VOC, describe the form of the values of character education in the struggle of the Sultan Agung in the fight against the VOC and analyze the application of the values of the struggle of Sultan Agung in learning Indonesian History. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research began in March to June 2020. Subjects in this study were history teachers at SMAN 1 Surakarta, Batik 1 Surakarta High School, and Al Islam 1 Surakarta High School. Sources of data obtained from interviews, analysis of documents and literature study. Data Validity Test uses triangulation. Data analysis uses interactive analysis model techniques. The result of this research is that the struggle carried out by Sultan Agung in attacking the VOC was an important historical event. With this struggle, the values of the struggle can be taken to be applied in the present. Instilling the values of struggle through history learning is the right thing to instill character that should be emulated and emulated, both in words and deeds. The struggle of Sultan Agung against the VOC could be realized like the values of the spirit of nationalism, love of the motherland, hard work, religious values and curiosity. These values are adjusted to the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) which is based on the syllabus prepared based on the 2013 curriculum. The understanding of history teachers is related to the values of Sultan Agung's struggle as one of the figures who have exemplary values that are able to shape the character and morale of participants students to emulate and emulate in everyday life. The exemplary values include the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, hard work, religious values and curiosity. The conclusion of this study is to show that the study of Sultan Agung's struggle as a high school in learning Indonesian history can be applied in schools as a reinforcement of character.


Sultan Agung, Value of struggle, Character Education

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