Wabah Penyakit Pes dan Upaya Penanggulangannya Di Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun 1968-1979

Aditya Wahyu Alfikri, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Isawati Isawati


The purposes of these study are analyze: (1) the plague where infected in Boyolali Regency caused by people’s lifestyle behavior and proverty, especiallys were in Cepogo and Selo District of the year 1968-1979. (2) the cooperation of countermeasures between governments with community and foreign institution in resolve the plague in Boyolali Regency of the year 1968-1979, especiallys were in Cepogo and Selo District.
This research used the historical method. This reseacrh used primary sources and secondary sources. The primary sources such as Boyolali Health Service’s report, WHO’s report, plague research’s report on 1972-1975, Samiran outbreak report on Januari- Februari 1970, newspapers, magazine, and the informants. While the secondary sources used such as books and journal were relevant to this research. Data collections were using literature study and interview theory. The data analysis used historical analysis with cultural and sociological approaches. Research procedures include heuristics, criticsm, interpretation, and historiography.
The result showed that: (1) The plague where infected in Boyolali Regency caused by several factors, (a) Culture and ability of the people to live healthy such as didnt wash hands before ate, animal cage in home residents, and throw of littering, small house, not used air ventilation, lack of the sunlight in the houses, bad toilet, and absence of the sewerage. (b) The contacted between rodent and people. Species of the rats who spread plague’s bacteria were Rattus Niviventer, Rattus Tiomanicus, Rattus Rattus, Rattus Exulans, and Suncus Murinus by way of fleas such as Xenopsylla cheopis, Stivalius cognatus, and Neopsylla sondaica to suck human blood. Those both of reasons caused the number of victims tested positive for plague as many as 101 people with of the death rate of 42 people (2) The tackling has done of coorperation between governments with community were providing conseling, established puskesmas and PKMD, while with foreign institution were providing vaccinations and dusting, trapping, house renovation, providing medicines and stationarys logistical.


plague, poverty, countermeasures.

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