Penerapan jadwal retensi arsip dalam proses penyusutan di Lembaga Kearsipan Kota Surakarta

Demayca Mardias Susanto, Hery Sawiji, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This study investigates the practical implementation of archive retention schedules within the context of archive reduction at the Surakarta City Regional Archives Institute. The research addresses three primary objectives: (1) describing the application of the archive retention schedule, (2) identifying obstacles encountered during implementation, and (3) analyzing strategies to overcome these challenges. The qualitative study involves archivists, LKD (Local Government Archives) staff, and OPD (Regional Work Unit) employees as research subjects. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Triangulation is used for data validation. The study findings reveal that the implementation of archive depreciation aligns with ANRI (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia) provisions. Challenges include a shortage of competent human resources and infrastructure limitations. To address these obstacles, the Surakarta City LKD employs socialization, stakeholder engagement, and direct approaches.


archives; archives retention schedule; depreciation; JRA, LKD

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