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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for the Journal of Office Administration Information and Communication (JIKAP)

Writing Guidelines

Authors who wish to submit articles to JIKAP are requested to follow the article writing guidelines and ensure that you follow and understand the scope and focus writing guidelines.

Publication Fees

There are no publication fees for articles accepted in JIKAP, either at the time of manuscript submission or after the manuscript is accepted.



To submit an article to JIKAP, you must first register as an Author. When registering, you need to check the "Author" box. If not checked, you will only be registered as a Reader and you will not have the "New Submission" option when you log in to the system.


The registration process as an author can be viewed at:


Originality and Word Count

The article length in JIKAP is between 3000 and 6000 words, including the abstract (English only), figures, tables and references. Articles submitted to JIKAP must not have been previously published and are not being considered in other journals or in the conference process.

Before submitting to JIKAP, please check the similarity of the article. Articles submitted will be considered for publication in JIKAP if the similarity level is less than 30% (thirty percent). Similarity results are submitted through

Manuscript Setup

Manuscripts must be submitted in Indonesian, using spelling and punctuation in accordance with the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI) or can be viewed at Quotes and references in the text must conform to the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual style which can be viewed at


File Type

The file format used in JIKAP is Microsoft Word. Other formats such as PDF and zip files may be accepted if previously consulted with the editor.

Page Setup

  • Paper size A4 with margin sizes: Top: 3.0 cm Bottom: 3.0 cm
  • Orientation: Portrait (not landscape) Left: 3.0 cm Right: 3.0 cm
  • The article body is made in one column.




Arial 14 point bold followed by two blank lines of 10 points. Maximum number of words is 15.

Author Name and Institutional Affiliation

Author name (without academic title), and e-mail address. The author's article identity is written in 10 point Times New Roman font size consisting of Study Program/Department Name, University/Institution Name, City Name, and Country.


The abstract is written in two language versions, namely Indonesian and English.


The word abstract is typed bold and centered. The abstract must not exceed 200 words. Use 10 point Times New Roman, without indentation but left and right margins 5 spaces inward, left and right aligned, italicized for the English abstract, line spacing 1. Do not use a heading for the abstract or heading within the abstract. Place one blank line before and after.

The abstract contains: research objectives, research methodology, findings.


ter the blank line of the last sentence in the abstract, type Keywords in all lowercase, italics, and bold. Number of words between 3 to 5 keywords.

Note: please do not include the name of a higher education institution or school name in the Keywords. It is recommended to include the research approach or method used in the Keywords (e.g., Qualitative, ethnography, case study, quantitative, survey).


  • Please use no more than 3 levels of headings and apply consistently.  First level. Arial 12 point bold, left aligned, capitalize each word, not followed by a blank line. No numbering of first level headings.
  • Second level. Arial 10 point bold, left aligned, capitalize at the beginning, not followed by a blank line and no numbering of headings. 
  • Third level. Arial 10 point not bold, left aligned, capitalize at the beginning only, typed in italics, not followed by a blank line. Numbering of third level headings is not recommended.






Body of the Article

  • Times New Roman 10 point, line spacing 1, right aligned. One blank line before headings and paragraphs are typed in text style.
  • In general, the contents/body of the article consists of:
  • Introduction, containing the problem under study, gaps with previous research, novelty, variable limitations/definitions, supporting literature review.
  • Methodology, containing the stages of research, research methods, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and other information related to research procedures.
  • Results and Discussion, containing research findings supported by data, discussion of research results from various perspectives/points of view/theories/similar studies.
  • Conclusions, containing the main findings, research limitations, and suggestions (optional).
  • References, following APA style 7th edition rules.



Indent 5 spaces at the beginning of each paragraph.

Word Emphasis:

  • Do not use bold or underline. 
  • Use italics for:
  • Foreign words/terms/languages
  • Statistical terms
  • Variety names, species names
  • Do not use italics for:
  • Emphasizing a word


  • The first word of a sentence
  • The first word after a colon (if there is a complete sentence after the colon)
  • The name of the manuscript section
  • Study programs at universities

Do not use uppercase for:

  • Writing book/article titles within a sentence.
  • Variable names

Use of Quotation Marks

- Use double quotation marks to:

  • Introduce words or phrases used as comments or as expressions (quotation marks only on the word/phrase the first time it is used)
  • Titles of articles or chapters in a magazine or book when the title is mentioned in the text
  • Short quotations (maximum 40 words) must use double quotation marks.
  • For longer quotations (more than 40 words), use 10 point Times New Roman, single spacing, indent 1.0 cm to the left and right, not italicized, without quotation marks, and one blank line before and after. The reference for the quote can be written in the text before the quote, or can be added to the end of the quote followed by the page number. All punctuation must be included exactly as it appears in the quoted material.

Do not use double quotation marks to: 

  • Begin and end italicized words or sentences
  • Introduce technical or key terms


In paragraphs, attach lowercase letters in parentheses to indicate a series if the order is important, i.e., (a) ... (b) ... (c) ....


If the sequence is very important use bullets and numbers.





Use abbreviations in accordance with the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language, or international abbreviations in accordance with the standards used in the APA style 7th edition.


Do not use footnotes. 


In-text citations: Insert the (Name, year) order into the main text for citations to references. Name refers to the author's last name and year refers to the year of publication (followed by page number for direct quotations). If citing multiple authors, each author is delimited by a comma and the & symbol. The phrase et al. applies for 3 or more authors after the first full citation. The year is written in full form (e.g., 1999) and lowercase letters are added referring to more than one article in the same year by the author (e.g., Jones, 1999a, 1999b). If more than one reference, list the references in alphabetical order and separate each reference with a semicolon (e.g., Jones, 1999a; White & Beckett, 1997). If a quote from the source document is included in the text, please refer to the page number, as in Jones (1999a:125).


... this particular form (Black & Lines, 1998b) is very ... 

... as described by Black and Lines (1998a) ... ... and this argument (Keystone et al., 2000c) is used ... 

... across space and time (Jones, 1999a; White & Beckett, 1997). 

... Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw (1989) describe ... 

... determined by beliefs (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989).



Reference list

In the reference list (use first level) please use the style recommended in the latest edition of the APA style manual 7th edition.


Use 10 point Times New Roman, left aligned, hanging indent 5 characters/spaces, no blank lines between each reference.


If the reference you are using has a DOI (digital object identifier), then the DOI number can be added at the end of your reference.

The minimum number of references used is 15.


Tab Tables should be included in the body of the text near the reference (not at the end of the body text).


Number all tables with Arabic numerals in the order they are first mentioned in the text. Use 10 point Times New Roman. Place the table title above the table in capitals on the first letter only and bold.


Table titles should be short but clear and typed in italics and placed below the table number. Each column must have a title. Limit the use of lines: one at the top, one after the title and one after the last row. All abbreviations in the table must be explained.

Charts and Figures

Charts and figures should be included in the body of the text near the explanatory sentence (not at the end of the text).


Number all figures with Arabic numerals in order from first in the text. Use 10 point Times New Roman, captions placed below the figure.

Chart and figure titles should be short but clear and typed in italics and placed below the chart and figure number.


Acknowledgments are an optional section where you can express appreciation to individuals or organizations who have supported your research.




Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)

Article submission and Publication in JIKAP (Jurnal Informasi Dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran) is free of charge.

No fees incurred for article processing, submission, neither reviewing the articles.