Pengaruh lingkungan fisik dan disiplin kerja terhadap motivasi kerja tenaga kerja non-PNS administrasi

Astri Yulia Pratiwi, Astri Yulia Pratiwi


This study investigates the impact of the physical environment and work discipline on work motivation among administrative non-PNS (civil servant) workers at the Faculty of Teacher and Educational Science, Sebelas Maret University (FKIP UNS). The research adopts a quantitative approach using a case study design. Data collection occurred at Sebelas Maret University, focusing on administrative non-PNS workers. The data source comprises a closed questionnaire in checklist format and a rating scale for the 2021 class students. Non-probability sampling was employed. Validity testing utilized product-moment correlation analysis via IBM SPSS version 25. The data analysis followed an interactive model with the following stages: (1) data tabulation, (2) analysis prerequisite testing, and (3) hypothesis testing. The findings indicate the following: (1) There exists a significant influence of the physical environment on work motivation among administrative non-PNS workers at FKIP UNS (t-count = 2.000, t-table = 1.995). (2) Work discipline significantly impacts work motivation among administrative non-PNS workers at the Faculty of Teacher and Educational Science, Sebelas Maret University (t-count = 2.473, t-table = 1.995). (3) There is a significant joint influence of the physical environment and work discipline on work motivation among students of administrative non-PNS workers in the Faculty of Teacher and Educational Science at Sebelas Maret University (F-count = 4.374, F-table = 3.11).


ergonomics; office room; quantitative; service

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