Pengaruh intensitas penggunaan media online dan determinasi diri terhadap literasi digital mahasiswa

Agita Fitri Bidadari, Patni Ninghardjanti, Tutik Susilowati


This study aims to find out Whether or not there is an influence of the intensity of online media use on digital literacy, whether or not there is an influence of self-determination on digital literacy, whether or not there is an influence on the intensity of online media use and self-determination of the digital literacy. This form of research is quantitative, using a case study. This research was conducted at the Office Administration Education Study Program FKIP Sebelas Maret University. The data source consists of a closed questionnaire in the form of a checklist and a rating scale for 81 students. The sampling technique used was non-probability. Test data validity using product moment correlation using  SPSS 25. Data analysis techniques use interactive model analysis. The results showed a positive and significant influence on the intensity of online media use on digital literacy (tcount 2,414 > ttable 1,995). There is a positive and significant influence of self-determination on digital literacy (tcount 4,320 > ttable 1,995). There is a jointly positive and significant influence on the intensity of online media use and self-determination on digital literacy (Fcount 10,950 > from Ftable 3,11).


education; internet; quantitative; social media; technology.

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