Pelaksanaan pelayanan jemput bola pada PT BPR BKK Jateng Cabang Karanganyar

Lufiana Widyaningrum, Tri Murwaningsih, Subroto Rapih


This study aims to determine (1) the implementation of the ball pick-up system service and (2) the results of the CIPP (Context, input, process, product) evaluation of the ball pick-up system service. This is an evaluation research with a qualitative descriptive approach using the CIPP (Context, input, process, product) evaluation model. The results of the study are as follows: 1) the implementation of the ball pick-up system service includes the procedure for implementing the ball shuttle service program, the facilities and infrastructure of the ball pick-up service program and the implementing officers of the ball shuttle service program, (2) The results of: a) context evaluation shows that PT BPR BKK Jateng Cabang Karanganyar already has guidelines for implementing the ball pick-up system service, the targets served are all communities around Karanganyar Regency b) input evaluation shows that the facilities and infrastructure are quite adequate, training has been attended by all employees implementing the ball shuttle service, c) process evaluation shows that employee competence is good enough in providing services to customers, there is already an evaluation carried out every month there are supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the ball pick-up system service, d) product evaluation shows that customers have high loyalty to the company, the amount of savings and the number of customers has increased.


ball pick-up services; CIPP; evaluation; qualitative

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