Analisis kedisiplinan siswa XII OTKP dalam proses pembelajaran daring di SMK Negeri 1 Banyudono

Arifais Rahman Hakim Wibawa, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, Tri Murwaningsih


This research aims to find out (1) The condition of student discipline in the online learning process of class XII OTKP, (2) Obstacles for class XII OTKP to be disciplined in the online learning process, and (3) Efforts to overcome obstacles for class XII OTKP to be disciplined in the online learning process. This form of research is qualitative, using a case study approach. The data source consists of principals, teachers, and students of Class XII OTKP, as well as documents related to the online learning process. The sampling techniques used are purposive and snowball sampling. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation and engineering triangulation. The results showed that: (1) Student discipline in the online learning process of class XII OTKP has yet to be fully enforced. (2) The obstacles that students experience to discipline in the online learning process are: a) students do not have an internet quota, b) poor internet connections, and c) an accumulated daily task load. (3) Efforts to overcome obstacles experienced by students in the form of a) providing internet and wifi quota assistance, b) finding locations around students that have better signal coverage, and c) providing task leeway to students who are constrained by quotas and poor signals


internet network; online learning; e-learning; student discipline

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