Tata ruang kantor pada komisi pemilihan umum Kota Surakarta

Ruth Dian Putri Indriajati, Wiedy Murtini, Winarno Winarno


This study aimed to determine the layout of the office at KPU Kota Surakarta in relation to employee performance. This research is qualitative. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using source and method triangulation. Qualitative data analysis was carried out interactively and continuously until completion. The research procedure uses problem identification, determination of research focus, data collection, data analysis, and research reports. The results showed that the office layout at the Surakarta City Election Commission Office used a mixed type of office layout. This type of office layout is in accordance with the factors that affect the office layout. Employee performance with this type of office layout remains stable because employees feel comfortable and accept existing conditions. Still, they realize that a better office layout will undoubtedly impact performance.


office; performance; qualitative

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