Implementasi Budaya Kerja Prodiia Pada Kantor Kecamatan Giriwoyo Kabupaten Wonogiri

Layla Kurniawati, Tri Murwaningsih, Nur Rahmi Akbarini


This study aims to determine the application of PRODIIA's work culture, obstacles and efforts in dealing with obstacles related to PRODIIA work culture at the Giriwoyo District Office, Wonogiri Regency. This research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research data were obtained directly from sources at the Giriwoyo District Office through interviews, observation, and documentation. The key informant in this research is the sub-district head at the Giriwoyo sub-district office. This study uses two sampling techniques, purposive sampling and snowball sampling, using the validity test of source and technique triangulation. An interactive model then analyzes the collected data. The study results show that applying PRODIIA work culture at the Giriwoyo District Office includes professional work Culture; disciplined work culture; integrity work culture; innovative work culture; and accountable work culture. Implementing the PRODIIA work culture at the Giriwoyo District Office through employee career development, technical guidance (Bimtek) and education and training (Diklat), employee supervision, and employee evaluation. There are still obstacles in implementing the PRODIIA work culture, namely the existence of work that cannot be completed on time, lack of human resources and a “prekewuh culture to give reprimands to employees. The solutions provided by the Giriwoyo Subdistrict Office are periodic evaluation, maximizing existing human resources and coaching and approach to employees.


district office, PRODIIA, work culture

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