Prokrastinasi akademik dalam penyelesaian skripsi pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP UNS

Galih Lestianti, Hery Sawiji, Winarno Winarno


The research aims to determine: 1) academic procrastination, 2) factors, and 3) efforts to overcome academic procrastination in completing thesis 2016 and 2017 PAP. This research uses case study qualitative research. Sources of research data from informants (students, Head of PAP, thesis supervisors, and thesis coordinators PAP), events (2016 and 2017 students haven’t completed their thesis), and documents (history of active student status, additional studies SIAKAD, and student consultations with supervisors). The sample uses snowball and purposive sampling techniques—data collection techniques with interviews and documents. Data validity using triangulation sources and techniques. The data analysis technique uses Miles & Huberman interactive model. The results showed: 1) Academic procrastination in completing the thesis: a) delay in initiating and completing tasks, b) delays in tasks, c) time gaps between actual plans and performance, and d) performing more enjoyable activities. 2) factors: a) internal: physical condition (fatigue), psychological (lack of motivation and fear), b) external: family environment. 3) the impact: a) for students who feel depressed, (b) for the study program reduces AEE value. 4) Efforts to overcome: a) efforts of students to motivate themselves, b) efforts of study programs to motivate, remind, call, communicate related to obstacles, and offer solutions to students.


academic procrastination, thesis, factor, impact, effort

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