Customer Service dalam meningkatkan pelayanan nasabah selama pandemi Covid-19 pada Bank BTN Cabang Surakarta 2021

Alfreda Larasati Vernanda, Wiedy Murtini, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This research aims to determine the role, constraints, and solutions in overcoming obstacles in customer service during the covid-19 pandemic 2021 at Bank BTN. This research is descriptive with a case study approach. This study uses primary data and secondary data. The data sources are informants, places, and documents with sampling techniques using purposive sampling and snowball sampling. For data analysis techniques, Miles and Huberman's interactive models are applied. This research found that the role of customer service at Bank BTN Branch office in Surakarta was crucial and vital to increase the intensification of funds through available products. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by customer service were due to the strict SOP, system and IT problem, the level of education and age of the customers, and incoming calls from fellow colleagues when they are in charge. Therefore, the branch office of Bank BTN in Surakarta came up with some solutions to overcome the problems, such as confirming through the call centre, apologizing and re-contacting customers, remaining calm in handling customer problems, and focusing on customers.


case study, descriptive qualitative

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