Perbandingan penggunaan Google Classroom dan Edmodo pada pembelajaran Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Perkantoran dan Layanan Bisnis

Aziz Ramadhan Mulyo, Wiedy Murtini, Anton Subarno


The study aimed to determine: (1) differences in learning outcomes in Basics of Office Management and Business Services on Google Classroom and Edmodo learning media; and (2) learning media that get the highest learning outcomes between Google Classroom and Edmodo in Basics of Office Management and Business Services subjects. This research is true experimental research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was all students of class X Office Management and Business Services at SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar (63 students). The research sample was taken using the saturated sample technique. Data collection techniques with documentation and tests. The data analysis technique used was the ANCOVA analysis technique using IBM SPSS 25.0. The results show that: 1) There was a significant difference in learning outcomes between Google Classroom and Edmodo learning media. This is evidenced by the ANCOVA test, which shows that the significance is 0,035<0,05); 2) Learning outcomes in the subjects of Basic Office Management and Business Services from Edmodo learning media are higher than learning outcomes from Google Classroom learning media. This is evidenced by the mean value in Google Classroom and Edmodo (7,409<8,126).


e-learning, learning media, true experiment

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