Analisis Coworking Space di EL Samara Surakarta

Sonia Putri Oktavia, Hery Sawiji, Winarno Winarno


This study aims to determine: 1) coworking space management; 2) barriers to coworking space management; and 3) solutions to overcome the barriers to coworking space man-agement in El Samara, Surakarta. This research is descriptive qualitative research with a type of case study. Data sources include events, informants, and documents in the cowork-ing space. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Data collection techniques in-clude interviews, observation, and document analysis. The data validity test technique in-volves the triangulation of sources and techniques. The data analysis technique is interac-tive analysis. The results showed: 1) the management of coworking space in El Samara Surakarta by the community manager includes planning, organizing, actuating, and con-trolling in providing various types of collaborative working space as an attraction; 2) barriers to coworking space management in El Samara Surakarta are related to the unifi-cation of the vision and mission of collaboration, staff workload, income, supporting means of remote working communication, dissemination of concept and benefits, as well as administrative services; 3) solutions to overcome the barriers to managing coworking space in El Samara Surakarta, namely looking for potential collaborators, holding intern-ship programs, increasing private offices, planning telecommunication stalls, utilizing in-formation systems, and other facilities for administrative services.


collaborative working space, flexible work arrangements, management, rental office, technology

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