Analisis kepuasan pelanggan di PT. Comunikasi Selaras Mandiri (CSM)

Muhamad Fuad Shafly, Hery Sawiji, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This study aimed to determine (1) customer satisfaction with services at PT. Comunikasi Selaras Mandiri; (2) the obstacles related to customer service at PT. Comunikasi Selaras Mandiri; and (3) solutions to overcome the obstacles in providing customer service to PT. Comunikasi Selaras Mandiri. This research is qualitative research with the type of case study research. Collecting data involved interviews and observation. The techniques of data collection used were interviews and observation. The sampling techniques used were purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The data used in this study were primary and secondary. The primary data used was the result of direct observation at PT. CSM and interviews with informants. While the secondary data used were documents, archives, journals, and books related to research, the sources of data used were informants, places and events, and documents. The data analysis technique used was the Atlas.ti application. The results showed that: (1) customer satisfaction of PT. CSM is dominated by alertness, expertise, and assurance provided by the company; (2) the obstacle faced by PT. CSM is a) the lack of coordination between divisions; and b) the existing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is not running optimally; (3) the efforts made by PT. CSM are a) optimizing coordination between divisions and b) supervising the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures.


customer, customer satisfaction, service

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