Arif Tri Atmaja, Djoko Santoso, Patni Ninghardjanti


The purpose of research is to know the implementation of automation system
administration, in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of work in the income
of the Department of Trade on Surakarta. The Object of this study are employees
the Department of Trade on Surakarta. In this study uses research action
responsive or responsive action research. In the collection of data research action
is a kind of research that can use the quantitative, qualitative or a
combination analysis. In this study uses data analysis of a sort of descriptive set
of comparative or doing a comparison. From the results of research can be
concluded that there is increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of work by
applying automation system administration on employees of income, the
Department of Trade on Surakarta. This is reflected from a number of indicators
namely, quality of work, work productivity, adaptability, job satisfaction, the
economic and procedures. In addition, there is an increase in completion time of
registration of 80 %, in the first cycle took 150 minutes and in the second cycle
takes only 30 minutes. The procedure also recorded an increase of 37, 5 % where
the first cycle need eight steps, in trim the second cycle to 5. The error did happen
and, in the first cycle there’s five error items , and in second cycle there’s two
error items It showed an increase in precision of employees, where there is a
mistake as much as 3 error items or an increase in the precision of 60 %, so it can
be said that the work performed by staff more effective and efficient.


System, Automation, Effectivity, Efficiency

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