Oce Madril


Indonesia is a country that provides constitutional guarantees over the principle of popular sovereignty. A manifestation of the principle of popular sovereignty is through the holding of a General Election. To safeguard the implementation of fair and democratic elections, laws and regulations concerning elections are made by the government. One of the principles of fair and democratic elections is the availability of legal mechanisms to resolve election disputes. The Indonesian Election Law already has these rules. One mechanism for resolving election disputes is through state administrative courts. This research focuses on discussing the development of the authority of the State Administrative Court (PTUN) in resolving disputes over the Election process. The PTUN has long been established in Indonesia, but the authority of the PTUN in resolving election disputes is a new authority expressly granted by the post-reform election law. This study also discussing two PTUN decisions. The decisions show how electoral law is applied in the practice, which is sometimes not always the same as what is expected by legislators.


Election Process Disputes;Administrative Court

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Legal Documents:

Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia

Law Number 5 of 1986 on Administrative Court

Law Number 3 of 1999 on Elections

Law Number 23 of 2003 on President and Vice President Elections

Law Number 10 of 2008 on Elections of The Members of The People’s Representative Council, Local Representative Council, and People’s Local Representative Council

Law Number 42 of 2008 on President and Vice President Elections

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Law Number 7 of 2017 on Elections

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The Election Supevision Body Regulation Number 8 of 2018 on Election Administration Violation Settlement.

The Election Supervisory Body Number 18 of 2017 on Procedures in Settling Disputes of The Election Process

Administrative Court Verdict Number 12 / G / 2013 / PT.TUN.JKT

Administrative Court Verdict Number 56/G/SPPU/2018/PTUN-JKT

Jakarta Administratve Court Verdict Number 242/G/SPPU/2018/PTUN-JKT


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