Pujiyono Pujiyono, Umi Khaerah Pati


Online transportation shall provide a security, comfort and safety guarantee for
service users, however it is not performed in the application. Service users still have
not guaranteed their rights as consumers. In the case the consumer suffers a loss, it
is remain undetermined how compensation may be granted, therefore it demands
an equal legal protection. Facing this condition, Law Number 8 of 1999 on The
Consumer Protection has not yet stipulated slear provision regarding this matter,
likewise the online transportation service users and service providers are only bound
in limited aspects. The research method of this reasearch is normative legal research
only focusing on the issues raised, discussed and elaborated with applying  the rules
or norms in positive law, using Statutory Approaches and Conceptual Approaches,
with primary and secondary legal materials. The data collection technique used is
literature study. The analysis technique used is the deductive method. The results
showed that there was an legal relationship between service users and online
transportation service providers. Consumers have the right to get protection in the
form of responsibility for information, legal responsibility for services provided
and responsibility for security and comfort. However, for the losses suffered, legal
protection for losses incurred by passengers in online transportation mode is still poor
due to lack of regulations and the undetermined standard regulations specifically in
regulating online transportation modes.


Legal Protection; Passenger Losses; Online Transportation Mode

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