Bambang Sugeng Rukmono


This article aims to find out how is the role of judges in overseeing the supervisory curator during the liquidation of the Foundation assets which is experiencing bankruptcy, as mandated in The Act No. 28 of 2004 about The Changes of Act no. 16 of 2001 about the Foundation and Act No. 37 of 2004 about Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payments of Debt. This Legal research is doctrinal and perspective. Source of the legal materials are used in the form of primary and secondary legal materials. The technique used in collecting the legal materials is study of librarianship. The technique used is analysis and interpretation of syllogism by using deductive thinking pattern. The results of the research and study produce a conclusion that these forms of control can be exercised by Supervisory Judge in supervising liquidation process while the curator of Foundation who has experienced bankruptcy is to provide licensing, approval, awarding, and proposal to curators in conducting the management and liquidation of bankrupt assets of foundation. Additional supervision conducted by Supervisory Judge is reporting responsibility of curator against the Builder ofthe Foundation regarding to the results of process of liquidation of Foundation’sassets which suffered bankruptcy. In addition, Supervisory Judge also examine the results of liquidation which is performed by curator over the clearing of the foundation’s assetswhich is experiencing bankruptcy.


Supervisory Judge, Curator, Liquidation, Foundation, Bankruptcy

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