The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) factors affecting the employment preparedness of the students in Grade XII of Accounting Expertise Program of Vocational High School in Academic Year 2018/2019, and (2) the most dominant factor affecting the employment preparedness of the students in Grade XII of Accounting Expertise Program of Vocational High School in Academic Year 2018/2019. This research used the descriptive quantitative research method. Its population was all of the students as many as 314 of Accounting Expertise Program of Vocational High School. Purposive sampling technique was used to determine its samples. They consisted of 98 students in Grade XII of Accounting Expertise Program of the school. The data of the research were collected through documentation and questionnaire. They were then analyzed by using the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) aided the computer software of SPSS Version 22 for Windows. The result of the research shows that nine new factors out of 15 variables (35 indicators) were formed, namely: (1) Students’ Personality (34.381%); (2) Interest (10.573%); (3) School’s Environment (5.966%); (4) Gained Score (4.547%); (5) Work Insight (4.058%); (6) Talent (3.576%); (7) Soft Skills (3.511%); (8) Community Environment (3.073%); and (9) Industrial Work Practices (2.934%). The Students’ Personality was the most dominant factor affecting their employment preparedness.
Keywords: employment preparedness, Vocational High School, factors affecting employment preparedness.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kesiapan kerja siswa kelas XII program keahlian akuntansi SMK X tahun ajaran 2018/2019; dan (2) faktor kesiapan kerja siswa kelas XII program keahlian akuntansi SMK X tahun ajaran 2018/2019 yang paling dominan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa program keahlian akuntansi SMK X yang berjumlah 314 siswa. Sampel yang terpilih adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII program keahlian akuntansi SMK X yang berjumlah 98 siswa. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan angket. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kesiapan kerja siswa program keahlian akuntansi SMK X adalah Exploratory Factor Analysis dengan bantuan software SPSS versi 22 for Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terbentuk sembilan faktor baru dari 15 variabel (35 indikator) yang diuji yaitu: 1) Pribadi Siswa (34,381%); 2) Minat (10,573%); 3) Lingkungan Sekolah (5,966%); 4) Nilai (4,547%); 5) Wawasan Kerja (4,058%); 6) Bakat (3,576%); 7) Kemampuan Soft Skills (3,511%); 8) Lingkungan Masyarakat (3,073%); dan Prakerin (2,934%). Faktor pribadi siswa merupakan faktor kesiapan kerja siswa Program Keahlian Akuntansi SMK X yang paling dominan.
Kata Kunci: kesiapan, kerja, SMK, faktor-faktor kesiapan kerja.
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