Mapping of nutritional status and soil fertility index in determining the direction of rice field management in Madiun Regency, Indonesia

Suntoro Suntoro, Ganjar Herdiansyah, Mujiyo Mujiyo


Agricultural development, specifically for crops, provides a large contribution to national development. However, problems with water and low soil fertility present obstacles to this development. The purpose of this research is to evaluate nutritional status and fertility status as the basis for determining the direction of rice field management in Madiun Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative, descriptive, comparative, with a survey and laboratory analysis. Soil samples were collected using stratified proportional sampling from each unit of land. The soil fertility status index was determined using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) test, and the soil fertility index was calculated by adding the results of the division of the number of weights with the Minimum Soil Fertility Index (MSFI) indicators. The results of the research show nutritional status of total N at the location of the research is medium to high and total P is very low to very high, while the status of available K is low to medium. The strongest limiting factor for soil fertility is low soil potassium and carbon organic. The addition of organic matter is one measure that can be implemented to overcome this limiting factor. The proposed direction of sustainable soil management in the future includes the implementation, in stages, of an organic agricultural system that is environmentally friendly, by utilizing local potential organic matter. The results of the analysis and mapping can be used as a basis for the direction of land management.


Land evaluation; Mapping; Organic Agricultural System; Rice field management; Soil Fertility Index

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