Ignatia Rahmadani Putri Palupi, Agriani Hermita Sadeli, Tuti Karyani, Endah Djuwendah


Capital is one of the most important factors in conducting a business. These days, farmers are still struggling to access loans as their capital from financial institutions due to complex requirements to fulfill and wholesalers that are not profitable for farmers. The solution to this problem is the utilization of financial technology with a Peer-to-Peer Lending system.  PT CROWDE Membangun Bangsa is one of the start-ups that conducted a Peer-to-Peer Lending system in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the strategy that the company uses to distribute digital capital to farmers by using SOAR analysis. SOAR analysis focuses on the strength and results the company wants to achieve and creates a strategy to increase farmers’ productivity and company profits. The results of this study were strategies the company can apply to increase farmer’s productivity by creating a program with farmers to adjust the agriculture practices theoretically and practically, empower farmers to do the post-harvest process, and increase partnership with other institutions to supply agriculture inputs and human resources such as agronomist.


capital, financial technology, peer-to-peer lending, SOAR Analysis

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